Mythic Magazine Compilation #7

This compilation collects the complete volumes 37-42 into a single book. Articles include:
Troupe Style Solo Adventures: Suggestions for running a group of Characters with a common goal, where you choose which Player Character you want to control in each Scene.
Solo Roleplay In Video Games: Bring your solo roleplaying skills into your favorite immersive video games to add whole new layers of custom narrative and gameplay potential.
Solo Setting & World Creation System: Rules for generating game worlds to adventure in, randomly from nothing. This includes creating the genre and style of the setting, and a detailed history.
Make Your Own Elements Meaning Tables: Ideas and suggestions for assembling your own, custom-built Elements Meaning tables specific to your adventuring needs.
NPC Evolving Motivation Rules: A system to make NPC behavior more dynamic over time by tracking motivations, adjusting them in response to the adventure, and initiating motivated actions.
Detailed Flowcharts For MGME2e: A redo of the flowcharts from Mythic Game Master Emulator Second Edition for Fate Questions, Random Events, and Scenes, with enough detail to make them table-ready reference tools.
Meaning Table Collections - Horror & Mystery: Take themed Meaning generation to a new level of detail with these two collections of Meaning Tables tuned toward Horror and Mystery adventures.
Rules & Tools For Science Fiction Adventures: Boldly take your adventures where no adventure has gone before with this simple framework for generating sci-fi content as you go. Plus, quick and easy rules for ship to ship combat and damage.
The Villain Crafter: Rules for generating villains by archetype, to quickly bring their nefarious schemes, organizations, lieutenants, and minions into your solo adventures.
Mythic As A Player Emulator: Switch roles with Mythic and play as Game Master with emulated Players and Characters. Suggestions for how to make this work.
Dealing With Solo Play Fatigue: An overview of common problems that keep us from solo roleplaying, with strategies for overcoming them.
3-Act Structure For Mythic Adventures: Apply the classic 3-act story structure to Mythic's freeform adventure generation to give your games more narrative energy.
You'll also find the collected welcome letters from each issue and the cover art.
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Happy adventuring!